Eating Disorders
Eating Disorders
Eating disorders are often complex and multifaceted. Behaviors that began as an attempt to lose a few extra pounds or improve athletic performance can take on a life of their own and spiral out of control. Common disordered eating behaviors include an extreme fear of gaining weight, refusal to eat specific foods, (such as all fats or carbohydrates) for fear of gaining weight, constant weighing, skipping meals, extreme exercising to burn calories, or consuming large amounts of food while feeling out of control. Stress, biochemical imbalances, and the pressure from sports or society to appear thin are often factors.
Rapid or excessive weight loss can lead not only to a decrease of muscle mass, strength and power, but also to vitamin and mineral deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, bone loss and poor immune function. Amenorrhea, or loss of regular menstruation, is often another sign of inadequate calorie intake and is associated with lower bone density and high incidence of stress fractures in athletes.
Our Dietitians work one-on-one with individuals dealing with eating disorders and focus on developing a healthy relationship with food. Step by step, the nutritionist and client work together to broaden the scope of safe foods to ensure adequate calorie and calcium intake. This process leads to consistent menstrual function, minimizing bone loss and restoring optimal health.
Limor Baum is a Certified Eating Disorder Specialist, who enjoys working with individuals, families, dancers, and other performance artists rehabilitate their relationships with food and their body.